Poodle Grooming
• Grooming Needs of Poodles •
Poodle Grooming
It's no secret that as a non-shedding breed of dog that poodles need grooming. Poodles should be given a haircut (either done yourself or by a professional) every 4-8 weeks depending on the style you've chosen and your budget for grooming. Longer, fluffier styles will require more maintenance than shorter, easy care styles. Communicate with your dogs groomer and let them know what style you are looking to achieve and follow their recommendations on grooming frequency and home maintenance.
Regular grooming and haircuts is the trade-off for a dog that doesn't shed all over your house! Remember to start acclimating your puppy for grooming as soon as you bring them home. Spend 10-15 minutes a day introducing them to brushing, combing, hair dryer noises, and massaging their feet to simulate nail trimming. Ideally before your puppy comes home you will have a groomer lined up for your puppy. Bring your puppy in for their first grooming one week after their third set of vaccinations. You want to introduce them to the groomer as early as possible so they become used to it. It can be very difficult to acclimate a puppy to grooming once they are several months old. Your puppy will require grooming for the rest of their life, set them up for success by introducing grooming early.